4-H Youth Development

Our 4-H Youth Development program is a dynamic non-formal education program. It provides opportunities for youth to acquire life skills and gain knowledge while having fun. The life skills learned in 4-H enable youth to become productive, well-informed, self-reliant, responsible adults.

4-H Judging Contests

Agronomy, Fashion/Clothing Revue, Consumer Decision Making, Favorite Foods, Hippo-logy, Horticulture, Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, Entomology, Livestock, Livestock Skill-A-Thon, Meat Judging, Presentations/Illustrated Talk: Agricultural - General - Family & Consumer Sciences, Public Speaking: Prepared-Impromptu, Range Plant ID, Range Management, Talent Show, Welcome to New Mexico 4-H Bowl and Wildlife.

4-H Resources

County Record Book

County 4-H Clubs

Mavericks 4-H

Tumbleweed 4-H Club

Yucca 4-H Club

4-H Pledge

I Pledge My HEAD to clearer thinking,

My HEART to greater loyalty,

My HANDS to larger service,

My HEALTH to better living,

For my club, my community, my country, and my world"

4-H Motto

"To Make the Best Better"

The 4-H Slogan

"Learn by Doing"

Upcoming Events Statewide



The Ultimate Guide to College Scholarships

State 4-H Scholarships